
Financial aid is money in the form of loans, 为学生提供助学金和就业机会,帮助他们支付上大学的费用, 大学, 或职业/技术学校. Financial aid comes from the federal 政府ernment (the largest provider of aid), 州政府, 学校本身, and a large variety of other public and private sources.

以下是关于你可能获得的联邦财政和州援助的信息. 除非另有说明, 所有的经济援助都直接记入你的大学商务办公室学生账户.


联邦佩尔助学金不需要偿还,除非一个学期没有完成并且没有获得资助. 佩尔助学金只颁发给没有获得学士学位或专业学位的有高经济需求的本科生. How much you receive will depend on your cost of attendance, whether you are a full-time or part-time student, and whether you attend school for a full academic year or less. You may not receive Pell Grant funds from more than one school at a time.

联邦补充 教育 机会补助金(FSEOG)

联邦补充教育机会补助金是为有特殊经济需要的本科生提供的, with priority being given to students who receive 联邦佩尔助学金s. 获得终身佩尔资格最高限额的学生没有资格获得FSEOG.  FSEOG不需要偿还,除非一个学期没有完成,并且确定你没有获得资助.

Iraq and Afghanistan Service Grant

A student may be eligible for the Iraq and Afghanistan Service Grant if they are not eligible for the 联邦佩尔助学金 on the basis of the Expected Family Contribution; the parent or guardian was a member of the U.S. armed forces and died as a result of military service performed in Iraq or Afghanistan after the events of 9/11; and the student was under 24 years old or enrolled in a college at least part-time at the time of the parent's or guardian's death. If you believe you qualify for this grant, please contact financial aid at financialaid@kionssdywfnkr.com 了解更多信息.


勤工俭学的工作被张贴在网上 DIGGERecruiting through the 职业服务 office. 如果你被授予勤工俭学, 它将列在你的获奖通知信上,如果你接受你的奖项,你将收到更多关于就业的信息.

If you did not receive a work-study award as part of your financial aid package, 您可以通过发送书面请求或电子邮件将您的名字添加到勤工俭学请求列表中. If work-study funds become available, 申请名单上的学生将根据其资格考虑获得奖励. 被列入候补名单并不能保证你将获得勤工俭学奖学金.

Work-study awards are not credited to your University business office student account. 你直接按前两周(周六至周五)的实际工作时间每两周支付一次工资. 你的收入可能不会超过勤工俭学奖学金,也不能保证你能获得全部奖学金. Your employer may decide to pay you, as a regular part-time student employee after your work-study award is exhausted.


[This program ended on September 30, 2017.  No new loans can be made from this fund.] 联邦珀金斯贷款是为有特殊需要的学生提供的低息贷款(5%). The 联邦珀金斯贷款 is for both undergraduate and graduate students. 菲律宾十大彩票平台学院授予联邦珀金斯贷款的资金主要来自以前的学生偿还这些贷款所产生的资金. As a Perkins Loan borrower, you are not charged an origination or other loan fee. You have nine months after you graduate, 离开学校, or drop below half-time status before you must begin repayment. 这被称为“宽限期”。. At the end of your grace period, you must begin repaying your loan. Interest begins to accrue at that time. 你最多有10年的时间来偿还. 如果你接受联邦珀金斯贷款,并且以前没有从菲律宾十大彩票平台学院借过联邦珀金斯贷款, 您必须完成帕金斯入学咨询,并通过iPROMise网站签署主本票,该本票将由校园合作伙伴发送给您.


直接贷款s are either subsidized or unsubsidized. 联邦政府支付补贴贷款的利息,直到你开始偿还,并在授权的延期期间. 无补贴贷款的利息从贷款发放的时间开始累积,直到贷款全部还清. If you allow the interest to accrue, 它将在宽限期结束和任何延期或宽限结束时资本化. 这意味着在宽限期结束时,应计利息将被添加到贷款的本金余额中. When you are billed the interest will accrue on the new balance. If possible, your best option is to pay the accrued interest prior to capitalization. Most servicers will send you at least an annual statement with accrued interest. You may receive Subsidized Loan, Unsubsidized Loan, or a combination of both.

Repayment on 直接贷款s begins six months after you graduate, 离开学校, or drop below half-time enrollment. 这被称为“宽限期”.在线退出咨询 热门产品.政府 is required when you graduate, withdraw, or drop to below half-time status.

如果你已经完成了与教育部的贷款协议(MPN), you will not need to complete another Loan Agreement (MPN). 如果这是您第一次从直接贷款计划借款,或者这是您第一次从菲律宾十大彩票平台学院借款, you must complete On-Line Entrance Counseling and your Loan Agreement (MPN). 这两个步骤都可以在 www.热门产品.政府.


直接加贷款适用于研究生和受抚养本科生的父母. For dependent undergraduate students, parents are the borrower and must have a credit check before the loan is approved. 家长和研究生最多可以借到学费减去学生获得的任何资源或经济援助. If the parent is denied a Plus loan through the credit check process, 请与我们联络, 因为你可能有资格获得直接无补贴贷款计划的额外援助.


We can answer your questions and help you get started.
